
Asylum Aid


Benefits, Employment, Families with children, Housing and homelessness, Older People


We provide generalist Legal Advice to those for whom English is not their first language and live in Westminster Borough, temporary accommodation provided by Westminster Council or are homeless. These individuals often find themselves destitute with money problems, no employment, problems with immigration and housing. At Asylum Aid we have advisers who speak community languages and so are able to give advice and support to Survivors in their own language. People can call us or come to one of our drop-in sessions. The focus of Asylum Aid's welfare advice team is on migrant, refugees and vulnerable communities. When you refer a client to our organization please tell us what language the client speaks.

020 7402 6750


Derry House, Penfold Street, London, NW8 8HJ

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City Community Legal Advice Centre (CityCLAC)


Benefits, Employment, Family and Relationships, Immigration, Families with children, Housing and homelessness, Other Issues


WHO WE ARE: CityCLAC is a University-based legal advice service run by The City Law School at City St George’s, University of London. We’re powered by passionate law students, staff, and experienced lawyers who volunteer their time to provide free advice to those in need. Our Director, an experienced solicitor, oversees the service, ensuring all advice is supervised by qualified legal professionals. WHAT WE DO: We offer free legal advice on specific areas of law for individuals who aren’t eligible for legal aid and cannot afford private legal fees. Please note that while we provide advice, we do not offer casework or representation services. OUR AREAS OF EXPERTISE: - Private family law issues (for example: child contact, divorce, maintenance and domestic violence) - Employment law disputes (for example: unfair dismissal, unpaid wages, discrimination and bullying at work) - Social Housing Disrepair (tenants in council or housing association properties). Please note we do not advise on tenants facing imminent eviction or homelessness, and we do not advise homeowners or landlords. - General Civil Litigation (for example, contractual disputes, consumer and small claims) - Initial Immigration Advice - for example, we can advise clients with: Securing and maintaining permission to enter and remain in the UK; Verifying their immigration status; Guiding on applications for recourse to public funds (Please note, unfortunately, we cannot advise clients with handling applications for immigration appeals or helping those who have already overstayed their visa.) - Small business issues (for example: formation of a company, data protection, partnership disputes) - Personal Injury – accidents at work & in public places, road traffic accidents, and defective product claims (we only advise claimants/ plaintiffs and do not advise defendants) - Personal Independence Payment form filling service (we do not undertake appeal work) - General information (signposting and referrals on areas of law where we cannot offer advice) - School Exclusion Service (CitySES) – Advice and representation to families and carers of permanently excluded pupils in the Greater London area.

020 7040 5414


The City Law School, 165 Goswell Rd, London, EC1V 7HD

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Abbey Community Association Ltd


Employment, Immigration, Families with children, Housing and homelessness, Digital inclusion, Food Aid


The Abbey Centre offers a personalised advice and support service for residents, who might be facing a range of challenges, or who just need a friendly face to talk to. Through our range of services as well as our network of partner organisations, we can help with employment advice, affordable food, referrals for advice on debt and housing, health and wellbeing, emotional support, physical and social activities, and more.

Turning Point Drug and Alcohol Wellbeing Service


Employment, Family and Relationships, Housing and homelessness, Drugs and Alcohol


Turning Point will support you to make positive changes around drugs and alcohol. As the oldest free of charge drug and alcohol support service in England, we've been supporting a diverse range of people across Central and West London communities for over 50 years. We support people living in Kensington & Chelsea, Hammersmith and Fulham and Westminster who struggle with all kinds of dependence forming substances, including alcohol, heroin, cocaine, crack, cannabis and much more…. Offering: Detoxification, Rehabilitation, Education, Training and Employment support. Substitute prescribing, Group work programmes, 1:1 Support, Signposting, Peer Support, Support for Family or Friends of someone experiencing addiction, Harm Reduction Advice, Needle Exchange.


209 Harrow Road, Westminster, W2 5EH

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Who is Hussain


Benefits, Employment, Families with children, Housing and homelessness, Digital inclusion, Food Aid


Who is Hussain are an outdoor outreach service who operate in Charing Cross area every Saturday of the year. They provide hot meals, snacks, hot drinks and cold drinks for up to two hundred people in need every week. Concurrently, there is a drop-in advice service which provide basic advice and support, signposting and referrals. They can help with enquiries such as housing, immigration, employment, benefits and other similar issues. If they are unable to help, they refer guests to the most suitable services. Occasionally they can assist their guests with clothing, shoes donations, hygiene kits and sleeping bags, depending on stock levels.


Samara and Co, 118-122 College Road Harrow, Harrow, WC2R 0JR

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Citizens Advice Westminster


Benefits, Employment, Family and Relationships, Immigration, Energy, Families with children, Housing and homelessness, Debt and money, Digital inclusion, Other Issues, Licensing


We help people resolve their legal, money and other problems. We do this by providing advice and information on their rights and responsibilities, as well as influencing local government and other decision-makers to improve their policies and practices which affect local communities. Citizens Advice Westminster, together with the wider Citizens Advice service, uses the evidence of their clients' problems to campaign for improvements in the laws and services that affect everyone; both locally and nationally. Please state if your client is vulnerable & may need multiple call attempts in the 'notes' section of the referral form.


The Stowe Centre, 258 Harrow Road, Paddington London, W2 5ES

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Ukraine Response Team


Social Services (health and social care) assessment, Benefits, Employment, Family and Relationships, Immigration, Families with children, Housing and homelessness, Debt and money, Food Aid, Other Issues


Ukraine Response Team has been launched in March 2022 to support Ukrainian refugees who reside in the borough under the Homes for Ukraine Scheme and their sponsor. We also coordinate a range of support for Ukrainian refugees in partnership with our multidisciplinary partners and professional network. Our team is specifically funded to oversee support to Ukrainians who are here under the Homes for Ukraine scheme, however we are also able to offer general support and advice to any other Ukrainian who lives in the borough as a result of fleeing the war in Ukraine. The team does not offer emergency assistance or statutory intervention, and our approach is to encourage Ukrainian refugees to access “business as usual” services and wider support available in the borough that they are fully entitled to. If your services become aware of any Ukrainian residents who present to be in need of advice or assistance, we would like to ask that you share information about these residents with our team so that we could check if they are already known to us and to ensure effective information sharing and partnership working in relation to these clients. If you have any questions, please contact Ukraine Response Team on 07971 026278 before making the referral.

07971 026278


Westminster City Hall, 64 Victoria Street, London, Westminster, SW1E 6QP

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City Gateway


Social Services (health and social care) assessment, Employment, Families with children, Digital inclusion, Food Aid


City Gateway are delivering an Outreach NEET programme, which is an individual tailored support programme for young people aged 16-24 who are NEET (Not in education, employment and training). We provide the training, guidance and support needed to access opportunities and ensure learners can progress into education, employment and training. The programme is targeted towards young people who are care leavers or a looked after child, are homeless or at risk of homelessness, are a lone parent, are in debt, are a young carer, are involved in substance misuse or criminal activity. Outreach NEET is for anyone who meets the above criteria and lives in Camden, Hackney, Haringey, Islington, Kensington & Chelsea, Lambeth, Lewisham, Southwark, Tower Hamlets, Wandsworth and Westminster. We will give you the skills, qualifications and experience you need to achieve your ambitions and start your career.



The Pavilion Import Building,, 2 Clove Crescent, London, E14 2BE

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WES HELP Project


Employment, Housing and homelessness


The Homelessness Employment Learning Project (HELP) team forms part of the Westminster Employment Service (WES) - a multi-disciplinary and holistic frontline employment service for residents of Westminster who face barriers to employment. HELP combines this holistic model with specialist support to households in housing need, enabling them to move into sustainable employment and accommodation.

St Mungo's


Social Services (health and social care) assessment, Benefits, Employment, Family and Relationships, Immigration, Energy, Families with children, Housing and homelessness, Digital inclusion, Food Aid, Older People


St Mungo's outreach teams go out each night to help individuals who are homeless to them off the streets. Each night the organisation offers a bed and support to more than 3,200 people across London, the southeast and southwest and our mission is people can and do recover from issues that cause homelessness. We are part of the London Navigator Team (LNT) we work with up to 250 individuals identified by Greater London Authority (GLA) and The Department for levelling Up, Housing and communities (DLUHC) and London councils as needing additional support to end homeless. we offer through care support from street to home and continue working with people when they are in tenancies.



3 Thomas More Square, 5th floor, London, E1W 1YW

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Octavia Housing


Benefits, Employment, Housing and homelessness, Food Aid, Befriending


Not accepting referrals at the moment. Octavia Resident Support and Adaptations Services provide a holistic approach to supporting vulnerable and older residents living in Octavia homes. In response to residents increased isolation and financial hardship our teams objectives grew in January ’22 to include food support, gardening, and Handyperson services alongside our core floating support and adaptations services.

0208 354 5500


Emily House, 202 - 204 Kensal Road, London, W10 5BN

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Queen's Park Children's Centre


Employment, Family and Relationships, Families with children, Housing and homelessness, Stay and Play Sessions, Debt and money, Baby Massage


Queen's Park Children's Centre provides a range of services for children and their families including information, advice and casework service for parents of 0-19 year olds or young people (16-19) who are Westminster residents or those who are homeless, with no connection to anywhere outside of Westminster.