
Asylum Aid


Benefits, Employment, Families with children, Housing and homelessness, Older People


We provide generalist Legal Advice to those for whom English is not their first language and live in Westminster Borough, temporary accommodation provided by Westminster Council or are homeless. These individuals often find themselves destitute with money problems, no employment, problems with immigration and housing. At Asylum Aid we have advisers who speak community languages and so are able to give advice and support to Survivors in their own language. People can call us or come to one of our drop-in sessions. The focus of Asylum Aid's welfare advice team is on migrant, refugees and vulnerable communities. When you refer a client to our organization please tell us what language the client speaks.

020 7402 6750


Derry House, Penfold Street, London, NW8 8HJ

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St Paul's Church


Family and Relationships, Families with children, Food Aid, Older People


St Paul's Church runs the Barnabas Group (a drop in warm space), hosts FoodCycle Marylebone (a free community meal with doors opening at 6pm), and a monthly Coffee Morning (on the first Wednesday of the month). The church can also offer spiritual or pastoral support arranged with the office. There is also access to HomeStart and FreshStart.



St Paul's Church, 5 Rossmore Road, NW1 6NJ

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Healthwatch Westminster, Kensington & Chelsea


Social Services (health and social care) assessment, Digital inclusion, Food Aid, Older People


At Healthwatch Westminster, our primary aim is to improve publicly funded health and social care services for local people. This is achieved by amplifying the voices of diverse communities, and conducting impactful projects influencing commissioners, residents, partners, stakeholders, and governing bodies. We do this by signposting residents in accessing the appropriate support and care, as well as proving a medium for residents to tell us their experiences of health and social care services to make care better. If you’ve recently visited your doctor, or local hospital, or used any health and care services in Westminster, Kensington and Chelsea we want to hear from you. Whether you’ve had a good or bad experience, we can use your feedback to improve services for everyone and we have the power to make NHS leaders and other care providers listen to what you have to say. We’re completely independent and impartial and anything you say is confidential. Our service is free, simple to use and can make a real difference to people in Westminster, Kensington and Chelsea and beyond.



Stowe Centre, 258 Harrow Road, Westminster, London, W2 5ES

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Westminster Connects


Food Aid, Older People


Westminster Connects provides a volunteer service to support vulnerable residents with shopping, medicine pick ups, gardening and walking companions. We provide opportunities for people to volunteer across multiple organisations in Westminster, in a broad range of roles. Westminster Connects is part of the Communities team in Westminster Council.



Westminster City Hall, 64 Victoria St, London, SW1E 6QP

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St Mungo's


Social Services (health and social care) assessment, Benefits, Employment, Family and Relationships, Immigration, Energy, Families with children, Housing and homelessness, Digital inclusion, Food Aid, Older People


St Mungo's outreach teams go out each night to help individuals who are homeless to them off the streets. Each night the organisation offers a bed and support to more than 3,200 people across London, the southeast and southwest and our mission is people can and do recover from issues that cause homelessness. We are part of the London Navigator Team (LNT) we work with up to 250 individuals identified by Greater London Authority (GLA) and The Department for levelling Up, Housing and communities (DLUHC) and London councils as needing additional support to end homeless. we offer through care support from street to home and continue working with people when they are in tenancies.



3 Thomas More Square, 5th floor, London, E1W 1YW

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Marylebone Bangladesh Society


Benefits, Family and Relationships, Energy, Housing and homelessness, Debt and money, Digital inclusion, Older People, Other Issues


Marylebone Bangladesh Society is a BAME-led local voluntary sector organisation working to meet the needs of BAME communities of St Johns Wood, Marylebone and Paddington in the City of Westminster. We provide: Advice; Information service; Youth club and adult activities services such as exercise class, health; wellbeing activities etc. Note: services are shut during lunch hours from 13:00 to 14:00.

020 7724 9746


19 Samford Street, London, NW8 8ER

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Carers Network


Social Services (health and social care) assessment, Benefits, Family and Relationships, Families with children, Housing and homelessness, Digital inclusion, Older People, Other Issues


Carers Network was established in 1991 to support unpaid carers. We support people caring for partners, family members, friends and neighbours aged over 18 with disabilities and long-term conditions or experiencing frailty due to old age. We provide one-to-one assessments, an information and advice service, support groups and drop-in sessions. In addition, we have a programme of events, activities and training. Carers Network's services are available free of charge to unpaid carers living in the City of Westminster, the London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham and the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea. Each year, Carers Network helps over 5,300 local carers gain access to the support they deserve.



Office 8, Beethoven Centre, Third Avenue, London, W10 4JL

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Notting Hill Genesis


Benefits, Energy, Housing and homelessness, Debt and money, Digital inclusion, Food Aid, Befriending, Older People


Not taking referrals. We are a housing association with properties in Westminster. We are well placed to flag residents in hardship.



Bruce Kenrick House, 2 Killick Street, London, N1 9FL

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One Westminster


Social Services (health and social care) assessment, Immigration, Housing and homelessness, Debt and money, Befriending, Older People, Other Issues


One Westminster is the voluntary sector support service and volunteer centre for Westminster. We are currently hosting the Central London Social Prescription Service and have a team of social prescribers supporting the PCNs operating in central Westminster.



37 Chapel Street, London, NW1 5DP

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